Nursing is one of the professions that has continued to advance over the years. Nursing is critical as it ensures that the country’s healthcare system is kept in check. Traditionally, nurses are seen as support staff for the physicians. However, this rule has changed over time since nurses have sufficient training to provide primary care to patients. In the 20th century, nurses were only expected to function as helpers of medical doctors. However, this is changing gradually since nurses receive quality training to handle patients alone. Therefore, nurses are expected to ensure that all patients are comfortable and get the proper treatment. Through this, the nurses can now achieve the set nursing goals and ensure that all patients receive quality care.

Nurses are now playing new roles. According to Lopes-Júnior (2021), nurses are now coordinating care from multiple providers, helping the patients transition from the hospital to their home settings, and managing a caseload of patients who have intense care needs. Following this, it is evident that nurses have continued to get more roles in the 20th and 21st centuries. Nurses also work as health coaches as they help patients learn about various ways to prevent illnesses and promote wellness (Lopes-Júnior, 2021). Therefore, nurses have more roles and significantly impact the American healthcare system. Besides, the healthcare department is empowering nurses to make it easier for them to work towards achieving quality healthcare for all patients. As time progresses, the nurses’ roles and responsibilities will continue to change as they will be expected to do more. Therefore, the healthcare department will continue empowering nurses and giving them more roles to perform their duties as expected.


Lopes-Júnior, L. C. (2021). Advanced Practice Nursing and the Expansion of the Role of Nurses in Primary Health Care in the Americas. SAGE Open Nursing7

Salmond, S. W., & Echevarria, M. (2017). Healthcare Transformation and Changing Roles for Nursing. Orthopaedic Nursing36(1), 26-27.

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